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Why US military interference constantly ends in debacles?


来源:China Military Online责任编辑:Li Jiayao
2021-08-30 16:07

The US military is coordinating the evacuation at Hamid Karzai International Airport on August 21.



By Liu Wenlong


The US-waged Afghan war that has lasted nearly 20 years ended up a global laughing stick with the scrambled withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan. On the one hand, the US has spent more than USD 2 trillion in Afghanistan in the past 20 years for the claimed goal of “overthrowing the Taliban regime, eradicating al-Qaeda, and making Afghanistan no longer a hotbed for terrorism”. The USthought it was bringing hope to the country, only to find itself becoming theenemy. On the other hand, the US military thought it had helped the Afghan government build a powerful armed force that was sufficiently capable of handling any domestic crisis, but found to their astonishment that the minute the US troops started withdrawing, the Afghan government was swiftly overwhelmed by Taliban forces, announcing a total failure of America’s political and military operations in the country.


This was not the first debacle in America’s history of external military interference. During the Vietnam War in the 1960s and 1970s, the overwhelmingly strong American forceinvaded Vietnam, only to find itself deeply bogged in a quagmire of war, and had to leave the country in disgrace after causing more than 200,000 casualties. In 2003, the US, taking the opportunity of counter-terrorism, launched the war against Iraq on the pretextthat it developed chemical weapons, and spent nearly 10 years and up to USD 750 billion there, only to aggravate the terrorist situation in the Middle East and drive the quick expansion of the extremist organization,Islamic State (IS). In 2011, armed conflicts broke out in Libya and the US-led western countries stepped in, but the country is still in turmoil today…


In the past decades, America’s external military interference ostensibly launched for world stability and development has actually created one big trouble after another. It’s not by accident that these military interference operations have failed – it’s the inevitable outcome of the superpower’s bullying, militant and hegemonistic actions.


First of all, the mindset of bullyism and hegemony is too ingrained in the US. After the end of WWII, the US has never stopped invading other countries, fighting “proxy wars” and supporting pro-America regimes, such as the Gulf War in 1991, the Kosovo War in 1999 and the Afghan War in 2001. By invading others, the US only wanted to secure its strategic interests leveraged on its military superiority but did not care about the situation in those countries at all.


Second, America’s wanton military operations find no support in the world. If we take a look around the world, we’d see that wherever there are turmoil, unrest and constant wars, there is America either fighting a “proxy war” or getting involved itself. Washington intends to break and restorebalance in those already fragile regions, but that will unavoidably escalate the conflicts in the host country, leading to constant battles and throwing the local people into endless misery. Statistics show that America’s 20-year-long military operations in Afghanistan have left more than 100,000 Afghans dead, more than 10 million homeless and over 40% of the working population jobless. They have also aggravated the Afghan’s hostility and hatred toward intruders. The 300,000-strong Afghan government forces trained by the US and armed to the teeth with American equipment couldn’t put up an effective defense in face of less than 80,000 Taliban troops after the American forces pulled out and toppled within a few days, which proved how unpopular America’s military presence was in Afghanistan.


At last, the US is incapable of reflecting on its mistakes. The US has been making military output all these years and wreaked havoc wherever its troops go, but it never takes a minute to think why these military operations have been so widely criticized around the world. As Polly Toynbee, a columnistfor The Guardian, said, the ending chapter of the Afghan war once again exposed the hubris and arrogance of the West. It is because of such hubris and arrogance that the US has never reflected on the military operations it waged, not to mention rectify them, never realized that its American-style democracy is nothing but “castle in the air” in Afghanistan, Iraq and other regions it rocked, and never seriously thought why its military assistance was “out of place” everywhere it was provided.


An economist once said, everything looks like a nail to a man holding up a hammer. By imposing military interference all over the world, the US is like a hammer-wielding giant looking for nails wide and far, but it never thinks why there are so many nails wherever it turns its eyes.


(The author is from the School of International Relations, University of International Business and Economics)

