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Guantanamo prison reveals true color of American-style human rights


来源:China Military Online 责任编辑:Chen Zhuo
2022-01-26 17:48:35


By Wang Min


The US military’s detention camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba has stood firm amid mounting scandals. The expert group of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) recently issued a statement urging the US to shut down the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, put an end to this hideous chapter of outrageous violation of human rights, indemnify the tortured and arbitrarily detained prisoners, and hold relevant people to account.


In 2002, the US set up a detention camp at its naval base in Guantanamo Bay to keep the suspects captured during the anti-terror campaign after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. During the years, the prison was constantly under fire for incessant scandals of prisoner abuse. Many detainees are kept for a protracted term without trial, some of them are beaten up, stripped of clothes, or abused otherwise. In 2006, the UN released a report confirming the torture of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay.


In fact, the US has set up a number of secret prisons in the rest of the world. Prosecutors of the International Criminal Court (ICC) revealed that America’s military and intelligence personnel have been tortured, abused and violated the personal dignity of detainees in Afghanistan and other places. The US media disclosed in 2017 that US military interrogators extorted prisoners in their secret prison in Yemen for confessions and turned a blind eye to their allies’ prisoner abuse.


The scandals at America’s secret prisons around the world are just a tip of the iceberg of America’s rap sheet of human rights violations, while there are many more iron-clad facts ripping wide open the hypocrisy and infamy of American-style human rights. Airwars, an independent NGO, released a report last September showing that at least 22,679 civilians died in US-waged air strikes after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and the country launched at least 91,340 air strikes during its 20-year anti-terror war.


The human rights situation within the US isn’t any better. After the sweeping Black Lives Matter movement, tens of thousands of people like Floyd still cannot breathe. As of 6:30 am, January 26 of 2022, Beijing Time, the US had registered 73,221,888 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 893,854 deaths cumulatively. Behind these figures are a much higher infection and fatality rate among ethnic minorities such as African and Latin Americans than the white.


The self-claimed “human rights guardian” is in fact the biggest human rights violator; the so-called “human rights lecturer” should have long been put on trial. The American double standards without any doubt pose an ironic contrast to the values acclaimed by some sanctimonious American politicians.