搜索 解放军报


来源:国防部网 责任编辑:于海洋
2024-07-25 15:46:56


Ministry of National Defense: The DPP Authorities Using all Possible Means to Seek Independence is Just Self-deceiving



Question: It’s reported that the on-going live-fire component of Han Kuang-40 exercise focused on unscripted and real combat drills. Templates of rules of engagement (ROE) cards were issued for the first time to improve the “legality and legitimacy” for the use of force by Taiwan’s troops. In addition, the subjects of the drills included the delivery of supplies from overseas. What’s your comment?


Zhang Xiaogang: The DPP authorities are using all possible means to disguise separatist activities under the cover of “legality and legitimacy”. Such action is just self-deceiving. The DPP authorities attempt to turn Taiwan into battlefields and use the local residents as human shields, so as to seek “Taiwan independence” and resist reunification with force. Their attempt is completely futile and only leads to a dead end.