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China contributes to maintenance of world peace

来源:China Military Online 责任编辑:Li Jiayao
2023-12-21 18:01:23

Peacekeepers of the 9th Chinese Peacekeeping Infantry Battalion to the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) march on a ceremony held to receive the UN Peace Medal of Honor awarded by the UNMISS. (Photo by Zhao Jianyi)

Looking back at 2023, recurrent regional conflicts by no means indicate a peaceful world. In the face of various security challenges, the Chinese military has been faithfully practicing the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, actively performing the responsibilities as the military of a major country, persistently providing public security products to the international community, and continuously contributing to the safeguarding of peace.

Enhancing cooperation to jointly work out a solution for peace

In the middle of the accelerated evolution of the profound changes unseen in a century, when various security challenges are constantly emerging, the world is eager to hear China's voice and see China's solutions, which should provide valuable certainty and stability to a world of turmoil and transformation.

In February this year, China released the Global Security Initiative Concept Paper, which further expounded the core concepts and principles of the Global Security Initiative, and illuminated the way for eradicating the causes of international conflicts and refining global security governance.

Since this year, the Chinese military has actively served China's overall political and diplomatic interests, participated in the reform of the global security governance system, contributed to the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, and facilitated continuous new achievements in the international military cooperation for the new era.

The Chinese military hosted military and diplomatic events such as the Beijing Xiangshan Forum and the China-Africa Peace and Security Forum to promote the establishment of multilateral security cooperation mechanisms, and jointly explore ways for global peace and security with all other parties; participated in training and exercises activities such as "Aman Youyi", "Peace Angel" and "Friendship Shield" to extend exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and foreign militaries and deepen the understanding and friendship between the militaries of all countries.

The facts indisputably prove that the Chinese military has always been a staunch force for safeguarding world peace by implementing global security initiatives with concrete actions.

Marching forward in succession to perform the mission of peace

At present, the Chinese PLA regularly dispatches peacekeepers to various peacekeeping mission areas and the UN headquarters. The Chinese peacekeepers are clearing mines for local people in Lebanon. The Chinese peacekeeping infantry battalion is playing an important role in stabilizing local security in South Sudan. The Chinese peacekeeping helicopter unit is conducting troops transport, airlift, and other tasks in Abyei. These endeavors demonstrate that Chinese peacekeepers have been marching forward in succession, becoming a staunch force in maintaining world peace.

This year marks the 15th anniversary of the Chinese Navy's escort missions in the waters off Somalia and the Gulf of Aden. Along the 4,400-nm route through the South China Sea, passing the Strait of Malacca, and crossing the Indian Ocean, 45 batches of Chinese naval escort taskforces in total have performed the mission one after another, winning wide praise from the international community.

In April this year, during the urgent mission of evacuating Chinese nationals from Sudan, the Chinese naval escort taskforce successfully evacuated not only 940 Chinese nationals from the Port of Sudan, but also another 231 foreign nationals at the request of the countries concerned. The Chinese military, which is heading to the deep sea, is committed to safeguarding the environment for peaceful development and demonstrating China's demeanor as a big country.

Upholding life paramountcy to protect peace and security

This year also marks the 60th anniversary of China's dispatch of medical aid teams to foreign countries. Over the past 60 years, China has dispatched more than 30,000 medical personnel abroad. Among them, the military medical service force is one of the backbones of China's foreign medical aid.

In February this year, the 8th Chinese military medical team to Lao completed the first microvascular decompression surgery for hemifacial spasm in the country in the Military Hospital 103 of the Lao People's Army. In addition to providing direct medical services, the expert team also imparts knowledge in medical technology, management experience, and other fields, helping more and more Lao doctors improve their clinical skills.

On the African continent, the Chinese peacekeeping medical contingents have accomplished various tasks including casualty treatment, skill training, and joint exercises to a high standard.

The Chinese naval hospital ship Peace Ark carried out its 9th Harmonious Mission this summer. During the mission, the hospital ship Peace Ark visited five countries, sailed more than 12,000 nautical miles, and treated more than 40,000 local people from these countries.

Since this year, the service members of the Chinese PLA Air Force have flown the Y-20 transport aircraft on humanitarian relief missions from Afghanistan to Nepal, delivering relief supplies to disaster areas in a timely manner. It can be said that wherever the Chinese military go, it brings warmth and hope, and demonstrates the responsibility and commitment.

No matter how the times change, China has always been a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development, and a defender of the international order. The Chinese military has always been a righteous force safeguarding world peace and development and will continue to make positive contributions to world peace and development.