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47th Chinese naval escort taskforce completes multiple escort tasks


来源:China Military Online 责任编辑:Li Jiayao
2025-02-06 19:10:41

The photo shows the guided-missile destroyer Baotou (Hull 133) attached to the 47th Chinese naval escort taskforce escorting a merchant ship in the Gulf of Aden. (Photo by Wang Ningchuan)

近日,中国海军第47批护航编队包头舰在亚丁湾为商船护航。王宁川 摄

By Gao Dezheng and Ren Ke


GULF OF ADEN, Feb. 6 -- Early in the morning on Tuesday, the 47th Chinese naval escort taskforce completed its 1,658th escort task, safely escorting a merchant ship "Tianqi" to the designated waters. When they departed, the merchant ship expressed gratitude to the taskforce by radio.

亚丁湾2月6日电 2月4日凌晨,随着“天祺”号商船被安全护送至解护点,中国海军第47批护航编队顺利完成第1658批船舶护航任务。分航时,该商船通过电台向护航编队表达感谢。

The 47th Chinese naval escort taskforce received the escort request from the merchant ship "Tianqi" right before the Spring Festival, Chinese traditional Lunar New Year. The taskforce decided to dispatch the guided-missile frigate Honghe (Hull 523) to escort the ship. Meanwhile, the guided-missile destroyer Baotou (Hull 133) attached to the taskforce escorted three other merchant ships "Tianle", "Xiangruikou" and "Ruyisong" through the Gulf of Aden.


On the morning of February 1, two suspected pirate dinghies suddenly appeared near the merchant ship "Ruyisong". After a series of warning and deterrence actions, the suspected pirate dinghies were driven away by the destroyer Baotou.
