搜索 解放军报

Chinese PLA Support Base in Djibouti provides free clinic service


来源:China Military Online 责任编辑:Huang Panyue
2024-06-28 17:30:16

By Wang Zongyang and Zhang Zhipeng


BEIJING, June 28 -- The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Support Base in Djibouti sent 10 medical personnel to provide free clinic service for Chinese-funded enterprises in Djibouti on June 25, local time.

北京6月28日电 当地时间6月25日,我驻吉布提保障基地组织10余名医务人员赴我驻吉中企开展义诊服务活动。

In view of the high temperature, high humidity and hypersaline environment in Djibouti, the Chinese medical staff gave professional lectures on the prevention and treatment of common diseases such as heatstroke and malaria.


Meanwhile, they also organized cardiopulmonary resuscitation training, which effectively improved the self-rescue and mutual rescue skills of local Chinese employees in emergencies.


At the site of the free clinic, the Chinese medical personnel of the base provided medical services involving multiple departments, including general surgery, cardiology, etc., to employees of Chinese-funded enterprises. They also answered various health questions in detail, gave professional medical advice, and distributed relevant medicines.
