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Seminar for senior military officers from China, Arab States kicks off in Beijing


来源:China Military Online 责任编辑:Chen Zhuo
2024-06-19 16:04:35

By Mao Liyan and Cheng Anqi


BEIJING, June 19 -- The seminar for senior military officers from China and Arab States, hosted by the Chinese Ministry of National Defense and organized by the International College of Defense Studies of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) National Defense University, kicked off in Beijing on June 18.

北京6月19日电 18日,由中国国防部主办、国防大学国际防务学院承办的中国-阿拉伯国家高级军官研讨班在京开幕。

The Seminar, under the theme of "Future-oriented China-Arab Security Cooperation", will be conducted in the forms of themed lectures, discussions and visits. It is designed to explore the ways of deepening bilateral security cooperation, implement the outcomes of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum, and promote the building of a China-Arab community with a shared future.


In recent years, the militaries of China and Arab States have conducted extensive cooperation in such fields as high-level mutual visits, personnel exchanges and joint exercises and training, diversifying the contents and forms of exchanges and yielding more outcomes of cooperation.
