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Chinese peacekeepers to South Sudan (Wau) carry out emergency rescue mission


来源:China Military Online 责任编辑:Li Jiayao
2024-05-14 22:48:57

By Wang Junjie and Li Xinbao


Chinese peacekeepers hoist the overturned vehicle onto a transport truck.


BEIJING, May 14 -- The 14th Chinese Peacekeeping Horizontal Engineering Company to the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) recently hoisted and transferred an accidentally overturned United Nations vehicle in an emergency rescue mission, successfully helping the convoy of the UNMISS avoid being stranded in the wilderness overnight.

北京5月14日电 近日,中国第14批赴南苏丹(瓦乌)维和工兵分队受命执行了一项紧急救援任务,顺利吊装转运一台运输途中不慎倒翻的联合国车辆。联南苏团护卫运输车队得以避免滞留野外过夜。

On the afternoon of that day, while the convoy of UNMISS equipment transportation was on the move, one of the Mine-Resistant Ambush-Protected (MRAP) vehicles accidentally fell off the towing platform and overturned in the middle of the road. The Chinese peacekeeping engineering contingent responded promptly upon receiving the emergency rescue order, and maneuvered tens of kilometers to the scene of the accident in just over two hours under the escort of Bangladeshi peacekeeping infantry.

当天下午,联南苏团护卫运输装备车队在行进途中,一台防雷车 不慎从拖运平台掉落,倒翻在路中间。接到紧急救援命令后,中国维和工兵分队迅速响应。在孟加拉维和步兵的护卫下,中国维和官兵穿越数十公里,用时2个多小时到达事故地点。

During the rescue process, the Chinese peacekeepers quickly assessed the situation on the scene, carefully operated the crane, restored the overturned vehicle, and hoisted the fallen vehicle onto the towing platform, successfully completing the rescue mission before nightfall.


The Chinese peacekeeping engineering contingent received high praise from the UNMISS Sector West for quick, professional, and efficient response, demonstrating the combat readiness and professional capabilities of the Chinese peacekeeping forces.
