搜索 解放军报

Chinese armed forces participate in "Emergency Mission2024" flood control and disaster relief exercise


来源:China Military Online 责任编辑:Chen Zhuo
2024-05-12 00:18:21

By Fang Bin and Huang Kunlun


JINHUA, May 11 -- The office of the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, the Ministry of Emergency Management and the Zhejiang Provincial Government jointly organized the "Emergency Mission2024" disaster relief exercise in response to natural disasters caused by super typhoon and severe floods in Jinhua City, east China's Zhejiang Province, and other areas across the province on May 10. Emergency rescue teams from the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA), the Chinese People's Armed Police (PAP) Force and the militia participated in the exercise.

5月11日电 5月10日,国家防汛抗旱总指挥部办公室、应急管理部、浙江省政府在浙江金华等地联合举行“应急使命•2024”超强台风防范和特大洪涝灾害联合救援演习,解放军和武警部队及民兵应急救援力量参演。

The exercise scenario simulated the super typhoon named "Poseidon" landing directly on the coast of Xiangshan County, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, impacting the whole province. The super typhoon triggered a huge flood in the Qiantang River basin, causing serious natural disasters such as dike burst, serious urban waterlogging and mountain torrents. Many villages and towns were inundated, a huge number of people were stranded, and the road traffic, power supply and communication networks in some areas were disrupted. The Chinese PLA Eastern Theater Command, serving as the unified command for the disaster relief operations of the taskforces and the militia, immediately deployed its emergency rescue forces to the impacted areas by aerial delivery and motorized maneuver to open air corridors for rescue, precisely deliver relief supplies, rapidly evacuate the trapped people and provide emergency medical aids for the wounded.

演习模拟超强台风“海神”正面登陆浙江宁波象山沿海,影响面波及浙江全境,钱塘江流域发生特大洪水,堤防决口,发生严重城市内涝、山洪地质灾害,多个村镇受淹,大量人员被困,部分地区道路、电力、通讯中断。东部战区统一指挥任务部队及民兵救灾行动,战区部队应急救援力量采取空中投送、摩托化机动等方式迅速抵达灾区, 开辟空中救援通道、精准投送救援物资、快速转移被困群众、紧急救助受伤人员。

The exercise involved more than 450 troops and over 130 pieces of equipment from the PLA, the PAP and the militia. It contained subjects including urban waterlogging rescue, rescue of passengers on trapped trains, emergency communication support, blocking of dike breaches. The exercise has comprehensively examined and enhanced the troops' joint rescue capabilities in case of super typhoons and severe floods, ensuring that they can take scientific and efficient measures in a quick manner to tackle natural disasters and safeguard people's lives and property.
